Monday, July 21, 2008


Here is my standard answer to newbies with Sulphite allergy....

Here are some very helpful links that you can check out for sulphite
allergy information.

My rule of thumb is "eat simple or make it yourself". If it has a list
of ingredients, one of the sub-ingedients (which they DON'T have to
list) is probably a sulphiting agent.


Beer from Big Rock or Wellington, or Labatts Blue.
Annie's salad dressings.
Bagel Ottawa or Kettleman bagels only (see the small bakery rule).
President's choice tortillas.

Other handy things I've learned that they don't tell you in the

* Produce that has travelled a long way has been field sprayed
before packing with sulphites so that it gets here looking fresh. Eat
stuff from here as much as possible.
* Cheap frozen seafood has sulphites. Always.
* Anything with the ingredient "spices" is downright evil.
* Food from China lies about what's in there. Please tell me
you're not surprised.
* Food from Japan never has sulphites - it's not legal to use them
* In store bakeries at supermarkets get the dough in buckets. It
all has sulphites. It's not listed.
* Small bakeries don't store buckets of dough for weeks at a time,
and they don't use sulphites. Small is beautiful. The bread is better
* Don't believe people in call centres when you call the 800
number and they tell you everything is listed. They don't know what's
in there either.
* Spice "mixes" are evil. Just buy the basic dried leaves and
crap and make your own (but not the bottles in the supermarkets with the
grey-green lids).
* Anything that has been dehydrated that is a little shriveled up
version of some fruit or vegetable is evil. Doubley so if it's been
* A single spoonful of Sherrif Mashed Potato mix has more
sulphites than any other single item in the world (I know that, NOW).
* Processed meats are evil - especially ham.
* Choose chocolate bars that don't have caramel. Ditto for ice
cream. Rolo is the enemy.
* Don't even think about McDonalds. There is nothing in there you
can eat, including the bread. Enjoy your milk. Would you like some
milk with that?
* No Oreo cookies. I'm sorry. Ditto for all packaged factory
* Miss Vicky's chips are Ok, and so are the PC Taco chips... Lays
are sort of Ok...but plain only. Pringles, Doritos, Tostidos are not.
Weird orange cheezies? Really, what do you think?
* No Cola. It has caramel. It's weird anyway, and you already
knew that.
* Nothing with corn syrup. It's in more things than you think.

The good thing is that real food is tastier and better for you anyway.
Food with preservatives is old food that somebody made in a factory
weeks ago, and then charged you too much for, or something that some
landless peasant picked on a megafarm mowed into his ancestral
rainforest, which then sat in a truck for two weeks. What's to miss
about that?

Most stuff, like say salad dressing or cookies, has three ingredients,
takes little time to make, and tastes way better when it's made out of
real food.

See the attached email to my MP on the issue of labelling. This is
STILL true.

<<sulphite labelling>>
Take care,


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