Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Double your size?

I got this email telling me I could double my size in just two weeks.
That would make me 11 feet 4 inches. I think my boyfriend wouldn't like

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Debt Clock

Check out this handy item from the Canadian Taxpayers Association that
shows our daily mounting debt. Our legacy will be to expect our kids to
pay for services they never asked for. In two years, the Harper
government will wipe out the debt repayment of the previous 8 years.
Scary movies kiddies.


James von Brunn - he denied the holocaust, we can't deny the hate

It's easy to forget that hate is real. That people like James von Brunn
can deny the horrible things that were done to Jews and others during
WWII. His shooting at the Holocaust Museum this week reminds us that
there is still much to be done to make sure that toxic ideas are not
spread in our communities, nor to our children. Reading this brought
tears to my eyes. It is a glimpse into a troubled and bitter soul that
you will not forget soon.


We mustn't deny that this kind of hate is alive and working it's caustic
effect on the minds of naive, misguided people. We must be vigilant to
educate our children about the holocaust, and other dark times in human
history, so that they can make informed, clear decisions about their own
principles and values. The hatemongers would teach them what to think;
we must teach them how to think for themselves. If we can learn from our
history, then the victims of genicide will not have died in vane.