Wednesday, September 24, 2008

and for Texas tykes there's...

Bullet Proof Baby Stroller!?!

Hard to believe this one
<> is for real.

"My baby survived a freak hunting accident last fall
thanks to this amazing bullet proof stroller.. We all feared the worst
but my darling Trevor was unharmed. Highly recommended!"

Stacey Weaver, Texas

Gee, Stacey - maybe babies and guns don't mix? Or is Texas so gun crazy
on the right to arm bears that it extends to Trevor's Teddies?

I was thinking maybe the neighbour's toddler would like to join us out
in the bush this fall to help bag a deer for the freezer. So much for
that plan; the bullet proof stroller is SOLD OUT.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Avast ye maties!

AAArrrrr maties. Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Get in touch with your inner bucaneer, and get ye some bootie.